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We thank God every day and pray for his blessings in the precincts surrounded by the godliness of the morning.



For International Tourists

About us

Oyosami Shrine is enshrined in Abiko, Osaka It is one of the oldest shrines in Kansai and has a long history. Many worshipers come from all over the world. This place, which was an important place for our country in ancient times, Even now, it is always full of clear and clean spirit.”The God of Water, the Land of Purification that Purifies All Pollution” In the land of Oyosami, a large stream mythology that continues in this country is still alive.

The so-called “water god” and “purification land that purifies all impurities” of Oyosami Shrine are derived from the fact that this land was originally surrounded by extremely rich water such as ponds and rivers.
People who visit Oyosami often forget the time and stand in the precincts, feeling the nature nurtured by the rich soil of this area and the clear godliness that has not changed even after more than 1800 years. Probably because it is done.


The so-called “Water Is Life” of OOyosami Shrine comes from the fact that this area was originally surrounded by extremely rich water such as ponds and rivers. People who visit OOyosami often forget the time and stand in the precincts, feeling the nature nurtured by the rich soil of this area and the clear godliness that has not changed even after more than 1800 years. Probably because it is done.

If you want to make a special prayer or go up to the shrine to worship , you need to apply to the shrine. When you arrive at the shrine, first give the first ear fee to the shrine office or the awarding office , and fill out the prescribed form with the address, name, and prayer content (wish). ) And apply for worship.

It is said that the Japanese once planted trees and raised forests as a place for God to land, which is called the “Guardian Forest”. Surrounded by many large and small trees, the precincts of OOyosami show various expressions due to the changing seasons and the ever-changing sunlight.

We Japanese felt the gods and Buddha in all things, which led to a great sense of security that “someone is watching over me somewhere.” Currently, in the endless corona whirlpool, many people are spending their days with “feelings that they want to pray”, but for people living in the present age, “opportunity to pray”, “experience of prayer”, “place of prayer” There is no.


